বুধবার, ২০ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Search On The Internet To The Business - Le Monde de L'Info

Online marketing is an important part of through an online businesses. They have truly come to be vital you have a successful on the web promotion approach kurs prawa jazdy w bydgoszczy in place for your personal internet site on the web.This is the time more than ever to get into this market. The next article has superb advice in order to get started immediately with Web marketing.

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Simple-expression promotions are an effective way to enhance your site?s PageRank. You can aquire pagerank as well as other consumer websites make use of there is a adequate deal. This really is in essence the same thing since the damage leader sales involved in by many large physical merchants.

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Excellent content articles are the backbone of a effective Website marketing technique.A fresh set of eyes may offer some other standpoint on troubles.

Constantly make it a point to supply helpful strategies to queries that the company could possibly have.Individuals come to a site looking for information, of course, if they are doing not get the info they are looking for at your web site, they may move ahead. Delivering detailed information in very easily-digestible content material will acquire something from the site.

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Are you looking for a creative technique of doing Online marketing? Make certain your visitors are tempted to give you their contact information to construct your blog. Folks are quite likely going to delivering their contact information when it is obvious that the process is effective to them.

Many people won?t think the information you put in your advertisments are honest. This is because of many companies not forthright regarding their services and products in the past. You should back-up your advertisement duplicate with concrete evidence. Use critiques, reviews, testimonials, and study to back you up. Usually do not take the time building a claim if you can?t support with resistant. You ought to be respectful of your customers are men and women and they want to deal with somebody they can believe in. You should not take full advantage of your customers.

If your organization has a profitable marketing and advertising prepare, you know which items are your most lucrative. Make use of various other goods and create a lot more revenue.These kinds of products get yourself a boost out of your primary dealers, and won?t require you to promote as much as you do for unrelated items.

Put in a personalized details for your marketing campaign. You may have a handwritten portion to confer with your friends.

You have to have a fantastic website well before stressing about obtaining it rated. This really is a vital starting point for just about any online business. The greater your web site appears and operations, the less tweaking prawko jazdy w bydgoszczy you?ll need to do later on.

Getting lots of listed pages say for example a mil or higher can cause the search engines to successfully pass by your web site, but search engine listings are more inclined to get ranked your web site well whether it has around twenty or fifteen thousands of internet pages.

When your company internet site is obviously hunting the identical, integrate an actually-shifting weblog. Search engines ranking websites with fresh information much more extremely, of course, if your web site lacks it, they may relocate you downward in rankings.

Now you can discover how internet marketing can produce a accomplishment of your own enterprise. It is possible to strategy this technique in a number of ways. You can even learn a lot on how to make this work with your business. By adhering to the information learned in this article, you are receiving very close to getting somebody that recognizes how to achieve success at online marketing.

Source: http://www.lemondedelinfo.com/2013/02/19/search-on-the-internet-to-the-business-advantage-using-these-speedy-tips/

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Blue Jays ballplayer separates from family over his pit bull-mix dog

Blue Jays ballplayer Mark Buehrle will live apart from his family during the baseball season because he can?t take his pit bull-mix dog to Ontario, where pit bulls are outlawed. Rather than flaunt the law, Buehrle thought it best for his family to stay with the dog in the US.

By Staff,?Associated Press / February 19, 2013

Toronto Blue Jays' ballplayer Mark Buehrle says he would not break a law by bringing his pit bull-mix dog into Canada. Instead, his family will stay with the dog in US.

Associated Press


Mark Buehrle won't be experiencing the?dog?days of summer.

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While the pitcher is headed to?Toronto, his?family?will split the season between Broward County in Florida and their home in St. Louis. One of their four?dogs, Slater, is a mix of bulldog and American Staffordshire Terrier ? which is of pit bull lineage. Pit bulls are banned?in the province of Ontario.

"He's an awesome?dog," Buehrle said Saturday. "That's what's a shame; just the way he looks is why we have to get separated."

Sent to?Toronto?as part of the Miami Marlins' payroll purge, Buehrle had a few options. He could have left Slater with friends or placed him in a kennel. The Buehrle?family?also could have moved to Buffalo or somewhere else on the?US side of the border, forcing the pitcher to commute 90 minutes each way to?Toronto.

Buehrle's wife, Jamie, 5-year-old Braden, and 3-year-old daughter Brooklyn will spend time with the 33-year-old left-hander during spring training, as will Slater and their three vizslas.

"It's something we're going to deal with," Buehrle said. "It's going to be tough at the beginning, not seeing your kids, but people deal with it and we'll make it work."

Buehrle concluded responsible pet owners should not delegate to others the task of caring for a?dog. And he said he wouldn't break a law by taking a?dog?where it is prohibited.

"We've had people say, 'Oh, you can bring them up here. Knowing you have money, no one's going to take your?dog?because they know you're going to fight against it,'" Buehrle said. "But the thing is, Slater will have to sit in a cage until that court date gets there, and that could be two weeks, it could be three months. If people don't own?dogs, they're not going to understand you're?leaving?your family?and your kids behind over a?dog."

Buehrle said his?family?will travel to?Toronto?for occasional visits.

"It's not like we're not going to see each other," he said. "But we just feel like with all the training and all the stuff that we've done with the?dogs, it's better that they stay with my wife."

After going 161-119 during 12 seasons with the Chicago White Sox, Buehrle agreed in December 2011 to a $58 million, four-year contract with the Marlins. The team went on a spending spree as it prepared to move into a new ballpark, but a terrible season caused owner Jeffrey Loria to shed stars.

Buehrle was?traded?in November along with shortstop Jose Reyes, right-hander Josh Johnson, catcher John Buck, and outfielder Emilio Bonifacio to the Blue Jays.

None of the Marlins'?players?had contractual provisions allowing them to block?trades. Buehrle issued a statement in November, saying "I was lied to on multiple occasions" by the Marlins.

"I let it be known how I felt, and I wasn't happy," he said. "I felt like we took a leap of faith there, coming there without a no-trade clause, and we felt like we'd be there a long time."

Buehrle said Marlins President David Samson reached out to him.

"I had nothing to say. I told them I wasn't in much of a mood, and that they wouldn't like to hear what I had to say," Buehrle explained. "I didn't have much interest in talking to them, and I don't have any plans now to ever talk to them again."

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/uBrM_fnzdMI/Blue-Jays-ballplayer-separates-from-family-over-his-pit-bull-mix-dog

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The 1924 Immigration Restriction Law redux | The Occidental ...

The Jewish Telegraph Agency puts out an archive edition every Sunday, featuring historical articles from the Jewish media. This week marks the 89th anniversary of?Congressional debate on the 1924 Immigration Restriction Law. JTA introduces the article, from February 11, 1924, as follows:

State of Immigration: President Obama?s State of the Union address emphasized immigration reform as one of his major platforms. In the early years of JTA?s State of the Union coverage, presidents Calvin Coolidge and Warren Harding advocated for restrictive immigration policy in front of Congress.?

Yes, times have changed?from presidents advocating restriction to presidents advocating amnesty for millions of illegals and continued displacement-levels of legal immigration. The 1924 article presents a reasonably?fair coverage of the basics of the debate.

The Majority Report states that despite the unfavorable condition of international exchange and prevailing high steamship rates, between 1,500,000 and 2,000,000 immigrants would have entered the country during the past two years had there been no restriction immigration measure such as the 3% law which is now in effect.

The report pictures an alleged alarming condition which requires an even greater restriction than at present. It especially warns of the necessity of passing a new law to replace the present law if the 3% measure is allowed to lapse.

The report predicts the largest movement of immigration in the history of the world, beginning July 1st, 1924, if the 3% law is allowed to expire and if no other legislature is enacted, stating that the exclusion clause of the act of February 5,1917, will be powerless to stay the tide.

?Such a situation should not be permitted to arise?, the report reads. ?The country demands the restriction of immigration. The public demand is not only for restriction but for more rigid and more effective restriction than that imposed at present.


Note that the Majority Report emphasizes that immigration restriction is in response to widespread?public concern. Congress was under intense pressure to restrict immigration.

This contrasts markedly with the passage of the 1965 immigration law which was not at all in response to public outcry but to prolonged pressure that was organized, funded and led by the organized Jewish community; it also?occurred in the context of the dominance of Jewish-dominated intellectual movements that undercut the intellectual basis for immigration restriction rooted in the legitimate ethnic interests of the?traditional people of America?(see?here, passim).

In the nearly 50 years since the passage of the 1965 law, massive non-White immigration has never been the result of popular demand; it has always been a minority opinion among White Americans. Indeed, elite control of immigration policy in opposition to popular attitudes has been a theme of immigration policy throughout the West in recent decades.?Immigration policy is a prime example of the anti-democratic, anti-populist?sympathies of the Jewish intellectual movements discussed The Culture of Critique, perhaps most notably, the New York Intellectuals.

The JTA article continues:

The decision to base the 2% quota on the census of 1890 was reached after a long and careful consideration of every element of the immigration problem, ?the Committee reports. The change in the census basis is made to slow the stream of those types of immigrants not easily assimilated which crowd in the larger cities with a slight knowledge of America and American institutions. There has grown to be a great indigestive mass of aliens with alien sympathies and alien purposes. It is a menace to the social, political and economic life of the country. It creates alarm and apprehension and breeds a racial hatred which should not exist and will not exist when the balance is restored.?

Note the explicit concern about lack of assimilability. Although the bias toward Northern Europeans did indeed discriminate against Southern and Eastern Europeans, it was obvious from the debates that the main concern was Eastern European Jewish immigrants, large percentages of whom were radicals(see?here, p. 271 ff)?and none of whom identified with the people or culture of?Christian, Northern European America.?Support for immigration restriction was centered in?rural America, particularly in the?South and West; as?John Higham?noted, ?Jews, as a result of their intellectual energy and economic resources, constituted an advance guard of the new peoples who had no feeling for the traditions of rural America? (Send These to Me: Immigrants in Urban America, rev. ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984, 168?169). Lack of rapport with the traditional people and culture of America was apparent among the New York Intellectuals and among Jewish radicals, supporters of immigration generally. In the immigration debates of 1924 Representative Knud?Wefald of Minnesota emphasized lack of sympathy with traditional American culture:

I for one am not afraid of the radical ideas that some might bring with them. Ideas you cannot keep out anyway, but the leadership of our intellectual life in many of its phases has come into the hands of these clever newcomers who have no sympathy with our old-time American ideals nor with those of northern Europe, who detect our weaknesses and pander to them and get wealthy through the disservices they render us.

Our whole system of amusements has been taken over by men who came here on the crest of the south and east European immigration. They produce our horrible film stories, they compose and dish out to us our jazz music, they write many of the books we read, and edit our magazines and newspapers. (Cong. Rec., April 12, 1924, 6272)??

Without mentioning them specifically,?Cong.?Wefald was clearly referring to Jewich influence on the media, and on culture generally?themes also apparent in Henry Ford?s The International Jew (reviewed here):

Not only the ?legitimate? stage, so-called, but the motion picture industry?the fifth greatest of all the great industries?is also Jew-controlled, not in spots only, not 50 per cent merely, but entirely; with the natural consequence that the world is in arms against the trivializing and demoralizing influences of that form of entertainment as at present managed. As soon as the Jew got control of American Liquor, we had a liquor problem with drastic consequences. As soon as the Jew gained control of the ?movies,? we had a movie problem, the consequences of which are not yet visible. It is the genius of the race to create problems in whatever business they achieve a majority. . . . Millions of Americans every day place themselves voluntarily within range of Jewish ideas of life, love and labor; within range of Jewish propaganda, sometimes cleverly, sometimes cunningly concealed? (1/01/1921). ?Frivolity, sensuality, indecency, appalling illiteracy and endless platitude are the marks of the American State as it approaches its degeneracy under Jewish control. (1/01/1920)

Thus, by1924 there was concern that the intellectual high ground and the media had been profoundly influenced by the newcomers who were out of touch with traditional American culture.?

The JTA article continues:

The report quotes President Coolidge?s last message to Congress when he said that a continued policy of restrictive immigration is necessary. It also quotes the late President Harding?s message to the previous Congress, recommending legislation for the registration of aliens in order to show Mr. Harding?s recognition of the danger of non-assimilation.

The report states that the original quota law was passed in 1921 to meet an emergency and that this emergency is as great now as it was then. The report states that 39,730 Jews were admitted to the country during the period from July to November, 1923. Provisions of the Johnson Bill were summed up in the report as follows: Preserves the basic immigration law of 1917; retains the principle of numerical limitation as inaugurated in the act of May 19, 1921; changes the quota base from the census of 1910 to the census of 1890; reduces the percentage from 3 to 2, plus a small base quota for each country; counts certificates, not persons; provides for preliminary examination overseas; exempts wives, children under 18 and parents over 55 of American citizens; reduces classes of exempted aliens; places burden of proof on alien rather than on the United States; Meets the situation with reference to admission of persons ineligible to citizenship; carries numerous sections to lessen hardships of immigrants.

Changing the quota basis to 1890 resulted in increasing the bias in favor of Northwestern Europe even more than the 1910 law because the great surge of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe occurred after 1890.

The two Jewish Congressmen on the committee, Adolph J. Sabath?and Samuel Dickstein were the only committee members who did not sign the Majority Report. (Speaking of Jewish radicalism, Dickstein was on the payroll of the USSR while a member of Congress.) The JTA article:

?The bill?, said Mr. Dickstein, who declined to sign the committee report, ?puts a premium upon one type of immigrant and a discount on every other type. It creates among the Hungarians, the Czecho-Slovaks, Serbians and Jews of Eastern Europe the sense of inferiority which is instinctively felt when a man is proscribed against as if he will not be helpful and serviceable to America.

?Our country?s policy should be, and has been since its origin, to open its gate without fear or favor to all men who may become good Americans, good citizens, and men calculated to enhance the wealth and the moral and spiritual resources of the United States.?

?But Nordic superiority played no part in the Congressional debates. Indeed,

one is struck in reading the 1924 congressional debates by the rarity with which the issue of Nordic racial superiority is raised by those in favor of the legislation, whereas virtually all the anti-restrictionists raised this issue.

After a particularly colorful comment in opposition to the theory of Nordic racial superiority, restrictionist leader Albert Johnson remarked, ?I would like very much to say on behalf of the committee that through the strenuous times of the hearings this committee undertook not to discuss the Nordic proposition or racial matters? (Cong. Rec., April 8, 1924, 5911).? [see here, p. 267]?

Framing the debate in terms of Nordic superiority was thus a strategy of the anti-restricionist?forces. In fact, the debate was couched in terms of the legitimate ethnic interests of the people already in the U.S. in?retaining their political power and their ability to control the the culture of America. They also had legitimate concerns about the radicalism and unassimilability of so many of the immigrants, particularly the Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. My favorite expression of the legitimate ethnic interests comes from Representative William N. Vaile?of Colorado, one of the most prominent restrictionists:

Let me emphasize here that the restrictionists of Congress do not claim that the ?Nordic? race, or even the Anglo-Saxon race, is the best race in the world. ? What we do claim is that the northern European, and particularly Anglo-Saxons made this country. Oh, yes; the others helped. But that is the full statement of the case. They came to this country because it was already made as an Anglo-Saxon commonwealth. They added to it, they often enriched it, but they did not make it, and they have not yet greatly changed it. We are determined that they shall not. It is a good country. It suits us. And what we assert is that we are not going to surrender it to somebody else or allow other people, no matter what their merits, to make it something different. If there is any changing to be done, we will do it ourselves. (Cong. Rec., April 8, 1924, 5922)??

Nevertheless, Dickstein?s statement reflects the continuing attitudes of American Jews?that the 1924 law represents the apex of evil in the United States?often blamed for the deaths of European Jews in the Holocaust.??And we still see echos of the arguments made by Sabath?and Dickstein in contemporary rhetoric that labels any assertion of the legitimate interests of White Americans as ?White supremacist? and based on theories of ?White superiority.? It?s a fallacious argument. All propaganda, all the time.

Source: http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2013/02/the-1924-immigration-restriction-law-redux/

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মঙ্গলবার, ১৯ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Google Privacy Issues in Forefront Again

(MoneyWatch) Getting apps for a Google (GOOG) Android phone is just as easy as adding software to an Apple (AAPL) iPhone. Go to the appropriate store and download the apps you want, providing a credit card number for the paid ones and nothing for the free apps.

However, there is one difference. Apple keeps the identities of users under wraps. If you buy an Android app, Google sends personal information to the developer without explicitly telling you, according to an Australian developer. This is just the latest incarnation of privacy problems that have dogged Google over the years.

According to a News.com.au interview with one such developer, the information transfer could be a "side effect" of Google's continuing integration of its properties. Or, it could be "a deliberate decision was made to provide that information to developers through the Google Checkout Portal, without conveying to users that the policy had been changed."

There are a number of potential problems with automatically sending identity and contact information to vendors. For example, a disgruntled consumer who gave a bad review to an app might find the vendor pressuring them to change the rating. People who upload apps with malware would now get information that enable some degree of identity theft.

As developer Dan Nolan wrote:

????? If you bought the app on Google Play (even if you cancelled the order) I have your email address, your suburb, and in many instances your full name. Each Google Play order is treated as a Google wallet transaction and as such software developers get all of the information (sans exact address) for an order of an app that they would get from the order of something physical.

Responding to a MoneyWatch request for a comment, a Google spokesperson provided the following statement: "Google Wallet shares the information needed to process transactions, and this is clearly stated in the Google Wallet privacy notice."

According to Nolan, this is a new development in processing payments for Android apps:

????? After doing some more research, Mr. Nolan told News.com.au that sometime before October last year, Google used to provide developers with "alias" email addresses of people that had purchased apps in Google Play, rather than their real email address.

????? "Sometime around the end of October or November they stopped generating that email and just passed on the real details of the users," Mr Nolan told News.com.au.

Furthermore, Apple, which closely guards the identities of customers of the App Store, has enabled billions of app downloads without passing such information. Retailers in general do not share customer identities with their suppliers.

Google has a long history of raising privacy concerns, including compiling information on people's online habits, recording data from Wi-Fi networks, and not meeting data protection requirements of some countries.

Source: http://www.ktva.com/home/outbound-xml-feeds/Google-Privacy-Issues-in-Forefront-Again-191686681.html

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সোমবার, ১৮ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Determined to get back to NCAA finals, No. 3 Alabama men's golf opens spring schedule

TUSCALOOSA, Alabama -- Shortly after Alabama came one stroke short of winning its first national championship in program history, Cory Whitsett went home to Houston.

With a busy summer schedule, the Alabama junior didn't have a chance to return to campus until the start of fall semester. More than two months separated Texas senior Dylan Frittelli's championship-winning birdie putt and the start of classes, but Whitsett was bombarded with "attaboy's" and words of encouragement as if it just occurred yesterday.

"Some of my friends told me they were following online and the live stream was going up on HD televisions," Whitsett said. "It was a big deal. It was great."

It soon sunk in.

This Alabama men's golf team wasn't alone at Los Angeles' historic Riviera Country Club, and it won't be throughout its quest to return to the NCAA Championships.

"It certainly helped me get over it a little bit," junior Bobby Wyatt said. "Certainly gave me the determination to get back there and win a national championship."

No. 3 Alabama begins that quest today when it opens its spring schedule at the Puerto Rico Classic, a three-day, 15-team tournament that includes six other ranked teams.

"Technically we're still fairly young," 11th-year Alabama coach Jay Seawell said. "In golf wisdom and golf years and experience, we're pretty experienced. I'm excited."

The core of Alabama's lineup features three of the nation's best golfers: Whitsett, Wyatt and sophomore Justin Thomas.

Thomas is coming off one of the best individual seasons in Alabama golf history, as he received the Haskins and Nicklaus Awards, which are presented annually to the national player of the year. He was also named the national freshman of the year and SEC Golfer of the Year after a season that included four tournament medals and nine top-10 finishes.

"What happened last year was great and a lot of fun, but it literally has nothing to do with what's going on this semester," Thomas said. "I learned a lot from it."

Seawell called Wyatt, Thomas and Whitsett his "three horses." From there, it's a bit uncertain, as Alabama looks for one or two golfers to fill the void left by Hunter Hamrick.

For this particular tournament, Seawell has redshirt freshman Tom Lovelady and senior Scott Strohmeyer filling out the rest of his lineup. Senior Lee Knox and junior Trey Mullinax are also options to play in those final two spots.

Seawell all but ruled out the possibility of freshmen Dru Love, Robby Prater and William Sellers participating this season.

"They're going to have to continue to learn to work every single day to be ready at any given time," Seawell said. "They're doing a great job. More than likely, they're going to have a hard time getting in this spring."

Alabama placed in the top 10 in all four tournaments it entered during the fall. The Crimson Tide won the Jerry Pate National Intercollegiate (Vestavia Hills) in October and placed third at two others. Thomas won the Jerry Pate individual title and finished second at the Isleworth Collegiate Invitational (Windermere, Fla.).

Thomas and the rest of Alabama's golfers certainly appear ready to compete after months to think about just how close they came to winning it all.

"I'm just really looking forward to getting the season started," Thomas said. "Seems like forever since we played a college event."

Source: http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2013/02/determined_to_get_back_to_ncaa.html

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Ecuador leader heavily favored to win re-election

QUITO, Ecuador (AP) ? Ecuadoreans cast ballots Sunday with President Rafael Correa, a dynamic, polemical economist, highly favored to win a second re-election. His leftist government has won broad backing from the lower classes as it leads Latin America in social spending as a portion of the economy.

Correa's leading opponent, former Banco de Guayaquil executive president Guillermo Lasso, trailed Correa in pre-election polls by more than 20 points in the field of eight candidates.

Correa, 48, has brought uncharacteristic political stability to an oil-exporting nation of 14.6 million people that cycled through seven presidents in the decade before he first took office in 2007.

He won re-election in April 2009 after voters approved a constitutional rewrite that mandated a new ballot, and he would be legally barred from running again following a victory Sunday.

To avoid a runoff, Correa needed a simple majority or 40 percent of the vote plus a 10-point margin over the No. 2 vote-getter.

Correa, a graduate of the University of Illinois-Champaign, focused his campaign on increasing tax revenue and social services. Lasso promised to be friendlier to foreign investment, lower taxes on job-creating companies and roll back elements of what Correa calls his "21st century socialism," such as a 5 percent tax on capital removed from Ecuador.

A champion of big government in the mold of Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez but less radical, Correa has endeared himself to the lower classes by making education and health care more accessible, building or improving 7,820 kilometers (4,870 miles) of highways and, the government says, creating 95,400 jobs in the past four years.

A grateful Jomaira Espinosa, 18, cast her ballot for him Sunday.

"Before (Correa), my family didn't have enough to eat and now it does. There are lots of positive changes in the economy and my father was able to find work," said Espinosa, who added that she expects to be able to study for free at a university thanks to Correa's programs.

Correa's critics, including leading international human rights groups, consider him an intolerant bully who arbitrarily wields his near-monopoly on state power against anyone who threatens what he sees as his "citizens' revolution."

German Calapucha, a 29-year-old accountant, said he voted for one of Correa's challengers, though he didn't say which, because he's tired of Correa's imperiousness.

"He thinks that because he wins elections he has the right to mistreat people," Calapucha said. "I want a country where people respect each other."

Correa has eroded the influence of opposition parties, the Roman Catholic Church and the news media and used criminal libel law to try to silence opposition journalists. Critics decry his stacking of the courts with friendly judges and the government's prosecution of indigenous leaders for organizing protests against Correa's opening up of Ecuador to large-scale mining without their consent.

Oil prices that have been hovering around $100 a barrel have been a blessing for Correa.

Petroleum accounts for more than half of Ecuador's export earnings and have allowed it to lead the region in 2011 in public spending as a portion of gross domestic product at 11.1 percent, according to the United Nations.

Voters such as Fabian Garzon, a 48-year-old messenger and cleaner, credit Correa with improving their lives.

Garzon has what he's always dreamed of: his own apartment, which he is buying with a $24,000 government mortgage issued by an institution created by Correa's government. His monthly salary, meanwhile, has more than doubled over the past four years, from $200 to $450, and payments for his social security, vacation and other government-mandated contributions are being made regularly.

"I worked 25 years without having my own house and at this age, thank God, I'm able to own my own home," Garzon said.

In all, 1.9 million people receive $50 a month in aid from the state. Critics complain that the popular handouts to single mothers, needy families and the elderly poor, along with other subsidies, have bloated the government.

The number of people working for the government has burgeoned from 16,000 to 90,000 during Correa's current term, Ecuador's nongovernmental Observatory of Fiscal Policy said in a December report.

Correa also has been unable to stop a growing sensation of vulnerability in a country where robberies and burglaries grew 30 percent in 2012 compared with the previous year.

Correa gained a reputation as a maverick early on, defying international financiers by defaulting on $3.9 billion in foreign debt obligations.

He has also kept the United States at arm's length while upsetting Britain and Sweden in August by granting asylum at the Ecuadorean Embassy in London to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, the online spiller of leaked U.S. government secrets who is wanted for questioning in Sweden for alleged sexual assault.

Correa has cozied up to U.S. rivals Iran and China. The latter is the biggest buyer of Ecuador's oil and holds $3.4 billion in Ecuadorean debt, Finance Minister Patricio Rivera says.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/ecuador-leader-heavily-favored-win-election-065057012.html

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How does baseball stack up?

Because I?m bored, let?s follow-up that Josh Hamilton post with a survey of each Major League Baseball city to see what sport ? using my totally subjective There Can Only Be One criteria ? reigns supreme in each city. Which team, if the city could vote and only keep one, would stay:

  • New York: High school hoops has a rich history, but professionally I think baseball. Specifically Yankees. Anyone really disagree?
  • Boston: Probably the most ?all sports? town on the list, but I?d have to say Sox.
  • Toronto: Leafs, Leafs, Leafs, Leafs.
  • Baltimore: For a long time baseball, but I do a lot of sports radio in Baltimore and it seems like the Ravens have dominated for years. And really, before the 80s, the Colts probably did too.
  • Tampa Bay: Who knows? Anyone? Not the Rays, that?s for sure. Probably the Bucs. More probably shuffleboard and bocce ball.
  • Detroit: Great baseball town, but they seem to live and die with the Wings more. My relatives who live there all do anyway. I could be persuaded that Detroit is primarily a baseball town, though.
  • Cleveland: Browns. By far. Even when they didn?t exist for a few years.
  • Chicago: This is an interesting one. I feel like it?s a Bears city, but I?d like to hear arguments on it. Walking around there in the summer and the city just reeks baseball, so it?s probably closer than I imagine.
  • Kansas City: They don?t tailgate for the Royals like they do for the Chiefs and that?s not for lack of a parking lot.
  • Minneapolis: I assume the Vikings. Gleeman should weigh in, though. Youth hockey may trump it all.
  • Seattle: I really don?t know, but given that they?ve sent away a baseball team and a basketball team to other cities in the past, the Seahawks probably by default.
  • Oakland: Kind of weird because (a) they?re so close to San Francisco; and (b) the people who dress up and act insane for Raiders games all probably live outside of Oakland, but based just on what you see, the Raiders.
  • Houston: Texas = football. Even with the Oilers leaving.
  • Los Angeles: It?s a status city and good Lakers tickets have to be pretty high up there as far as status symbols go.
  • Dallas: Cowboys could go 1-15 and the Rangers could win the series and it?s still a Cowboys city.
  • Atlanta: Probably college football more than anything, but the Falcons pretty obviously trump the Braves. I think, as far as local support goes, it?s probably more of a front-running town than anything.
  • Philadelphia: I really don?t know. All sports, to be sure. But it may very well be a baseball town more. There are no shortage of Philly people here, so you tell me. Gun to my head I say the Phillies and Eagels are close, but I don?t know if that?s been the case for all that long a time.
  • Washington: It begins and ends with the Redskins and anyone who tells you differently is an insane person.
  • Miami: Well, I don?t think it?s controversial to say it?s not the Marlins. Dolphins all the time, the Heat are a big deal when they?re good.
  • St. Louis: Maybe the most baseball town of them all, even if I think that Best Fans in Baseball Thing is silly.
  • Cincinnati: I think it?s a Reds town. I don?t know too many people here in Ohio who disagree.
  • Milwaukee: It?s over 100 miles to Green Bay, but I bet it?s still more Packers than Brewers. If you disqualify the Packers for distance it?s the Brewers by default. Still a great baseball town, though. It?s not the Brewers fault that people go Packers crazy.
  • Pittsburgh: A good baseball town to be sure, but it?s the Steelers by far. They?ve become a regional thing, even. It stretches well into Ohio and many points north, south and east as well.
  • San Francisco: I think the Giants have to be it, at least since they moved to AT&T Park. And now the 49ers are moving out of the city, so it?ll probably become more pronounced.
  • San Diego: My brother isn?t the most reliable narrator in the world but he?s lived in San Diego for almost 20 years and says the Chargers are it. Having gone to a lot of Padres games I have to agree with him.
  • Denver: Broncos, Broncos, Broncos.
  • Phoenix: I really have no idea. Like, no sense at all. The Suns have tenure, obviously, but I?m not sure what that means. Spring training makes the whole city basebally for a while. I know people get behind the Dbacks when they win. ?Man, I?m rather stumped on Phoenix.

So that?s my take. Talk amongst yourselves.

Source: http://hardballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/02/18/which-sport-reigns-supreme-in-each-major-league-city/related/

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Sony takes a moment to reflect on the PlayStation in a new video

All die-hard PlayStation fans are counting down the days to Sony?s big announcement, where it is expected that Sony will unveil the PS4, new features and a new controller.
With such an event on the horizon, even Sony themselves are feeling nostalgic. The company has put together this ?retrospective look? at the many memorable moments that the PlayStation consoles have brought us up until now.

The video above looks back at decades of gaming, including the launch of the original PlayStation console all of those years ago. Also included in the video is a feature on the DualShock Controller, which is expected to also receive a much needed upgrade when the PS4 is released and rumored to include a new touchpad design.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/gamingexaminer/feed/~3/hQ91xN5JTSQ/

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Unlock Old School Arcade Games in Your Mac?s Terminal

Unlock Old School Arcade Games in Your Mac’s TerminalWe here at Lifehacker are all about staying productive, but sometimes you just need to take a break. For those times, there's this old-but-fun tip: with a few terminal commands, you can open up games like 5?5, Pong, Solitaire, Snake, Tetris, and others in your Mac's terminal.

To start them up, just open your Terminal app (in /Applications/Utilities) and type emacs into the prompt. Press Enter to open it up, press Esc then x. Next, just type the name of the game you want to play and enjoy (note that different versions of OS X have different games, so see what you have first!). The games are simple and the graphics are not great but it is a perfect way to power down and relax without getting so engrossed in a game that you end up spending hours on it. Hit the link to read more, and have fun (but don't forget to work)!

How to Activate Hidden Mac Games in Terminal | Make Tech Easier

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/LapJ29PO7G4/unlock-old-school-arcade-games-in-your-macs-terminal

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Amazing GPS Signal Blocking Power

Posted on 16th Feb 2013 @ 9:00 AM

The device once you turn it on, all hidden GPS tracking equipments around it will naturally fail to send or receive any signals which are transmitted by the base station. What exactly the magical weapon is, following will offer you a detailed explanation from www.jammerall.com to tell you the GPS signal blocking power.

5 High Power Antenna Phone Jammer & GPS Jammer

Welcome to here www.jammerall.com - the special jammer world is waiting here for you. We are a specialized team of experts dedicated to the development, manufacturing and marketing of jamming devices for GPS, WIFI, Audio, cellular and UHF, VHF communications. With a strong researching and developing team, we promise to offer high technology products to our clients. Be assured of the quality of our products which are produced with the most advanced materials and are also tested with state-of-art measurement equipments. At the same time we offer the best advice about how to purchase the super jammer kit and where you can find them and what model you need, before your buying, just check out your local frequency for the assurance.

GPS blocking is opposite to this GPS signal tracking. As for the GPS tracking, most of us will know it from the navigation system in different kinds of vehicles, right? It's all-in-one GPS tracking and fleet management software gives you the tools you need to get everyone in the right place, at the right time ? all the while improving productivity and reducing costs every step of the way, really, we must say that the tracking function of the GPS technology takes us lots of convenience when we need to go out for traveling or to some places you have no idea. It can lead you to the right direction and with the accurate judgment. While on the other side, some evil guys take use of it to achieve some bad purposes, so at that time we need to take this GPS signal jammer to keep the dangers out of you.

From its name you have known that the GPS signal jammers are portable devices that literally means gadgets that stop a GPS tracking device from receiving the signal that without which they cannot pick up their position. Just like other jamming kits, they emit their own signal at the frequency that GPS tracking devices use, which confuses or blocks other GPS signals. There are various kinds of GPS jammers now no matter on the real market or online stores. Amongst those kinds, the mini portable ones get hottest popularity for it is handier and more convenient to carry. Moreover, most of us who use a jammer prefer it to be covert and unnoticeable, thus the portable might be the best choice. After comparison you will find the charming site here www.jammerall.com , good service and better price, the high quality GPS signal jammer is yours now. Usually the price of a GPS jammer can range from twenty dollars to more than one or two hundred dollars. This always depends on the working jamming radius of the jammer and the functionality of it. That is to say, the wider its working range is, the more it costs. So when choosing a jammer gadget, please be sure it meets your demands and budget.

If you wish to know more about this powerful GPS signal jamming device, click into the relevant category to buy it back.

Here you go.

Source: http://www.jammerall.com/news/493/Amazing-GPS-Signal-Blocking-Power.html

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Tamagotchi returns: '90s toy becomes Android app

Tamagotchi -- coming soon to an Android near you. The beloved virtual pet of the '90s is coming back as an app.?

By Derrik J. Lang,?Associated Press / February 14, 2013

This photo shows the app mode screenshot of mobile app ?Tamagotchi L.i.f.e.? by developer/publisher Bandai America Inc./Sync Beatz Entertainment.

Bandai America Inc./Sync Beatz Entertainment/AP


Tamagotchi?is re-hatching as an app.

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Bandai Co. and Sync Beatz Entertainment are hoping to revive the electronic pet craze of the 1990s with a new mobile app launching Thursday for Android devices. The app duplicates the egg-shaped plastic toy that became a must-own sensation like Beanie Babies, Tickle Me Elmo and Furby after it was first released in 1996 in Japan.

Sync Beatz, which has licensed?Tamagotchi?from Bandai, is calling the app "Tamagotchi?L.i.f.e." ? with "L.i.f.e" standing for "love is fun everywhere." Much like the original doodad, the app tasks users with taking care of a virtual pet by pressing buttons that simulate feeding, disciplining and playing with the critter on screen. If a?Tamagotchi?is neglected, it dies.

"The idea was to base the gameplay on the original?Tamagotchi?that everyone knows and loves," said Shin Ueno, chief marketing officer at Sync Beatz. "As we move along, every two months, we'll refresh the app, and it will evolve."

The colorful app, which Ueno said will later be available for Apple devices, features unlockable characters, backgrounds and shells. It's split between two modes: an old-school one that works like the original ? right down to three buttons on the shell ? and an app mode that utilizes the touchscreen and allows users to play rock, paper, scissors with their pets.

The "Tamagotchi?L.i.f.e." app is free, and a version without ads costs 99 cents. While there have been a few?Tamagotchi?clones available for mobile devices, this marks the first official?Tamagotchi?app to come from Bandai, which has released updated versions of the toy since the first?Tamagotchi?hatched 16 years ago.

Sales of the toy have cracked the 78 million mark, and?Tamagotchi?paved the way for such virtual obsessions as "The Sims," ''FarmVille" and "Skylanders." The executives at Sync Beatz think?Tamagotchi's?"sweet 16" is the prime time to relaunch Tamagotchi?for nostalgic twenty- and thirty-somethings, as well as a new generation.

"It's like comfort food," said Barry Stagg, chief communications officer at Sync Beatz. "I think?Tamagotchi?brings back good memories. When we were at the Licensing Expo last year, the first thing that people who came up to us and saw what we were doing tended to do was smile. I think there's an openness to build on?Tamagotchi's?brand equity."

That means Sync Beatz plans to leverage "Tamagotchi?L.i.f.e." as more than simply a sentimental app. The company plans to launch a "Tamagotchi?L.i.f.e." product line later this year with clothing, furnishings and accessories slathered with?Tamagotchi imagery.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/scitech/~3/MlL_mqCPu7I/Tamagotchi-returns-90s-toy-becomes-Android-app

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G-20 defuses talk of 'currency war', no accord on debt-cutting targets

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Glacial Energy Now Offering Residential Enrollment For Electricity In Duke Energy Ohio Service Area; Significant Savings Available

Posted by Guru on Feb 15, 2013 in electricity, electricity prices, electricity rates, energy affiliate program, glacial energy |

CINCINNATI,?Dec. 10, 2012?/PRNewswire/ ??Glacial Energy?a licensed alternative electric supplier (AES) and one of the fastest growing alternative energy suppliers in the United States?today announced it is now offering electricity service enrollment for residential customers of Duke Energy Ohio. ?Residential customers of Duke Energy Ohio now have the opportunity to switch to Glacial Energy to lock in electric rates at a fixed price for 12 months.

Based on a household?s current energy needs, Glacial Energy offers options that best provide for planning and potential cost savings. While individual savings vary, homeowners may potentially save compared to rates being charged by their electric utility. For the latest information on the savings, residents of?Ohio?can go to?http://www.glacialenergy.com/ohio-energy-choice.

Electricity and natural gas deregulation throughout much of?the United States?has allowed businesses and home owners alike to choose between suppliers which means that customers now have the ability to purchase electricity and natural gas needs at a more competitive and affordable price. Because Glacial Energy focuses solely on energy services for residential and commercial enterprises, we are able to cater to the most demanding, time-conscious and largest of customers. Combined experience and exceptional level of service has helped Glacial Energy grow quickly and we now offer commercial and residential services in?Ohio, 19 other states and the?District of Columbia.

Glacial Energy is one of the fastest growing national retail energy suppliers in?the United States, currently supplying electricity and natural gas to residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional customers in deregulated states throughout the country. Visit?http://www.glacialenergy.com/?for more information on switching to Glacial Energy as your alternative electric and natural gas supplier.


SOURCE Glacial Energy


Source: http://www.marylandgreenpower.com/greenpower/electricity/glacial-energy-now-offering-residential-enrollment-for-electricity-in-duke-energy-ohio-service-area-significant-savings-available/

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FDA clears Argus II 'bionic eye' for sale in the US (video)

FDA clears Argus II 'bionic eye' for sale in the US video

Those in the US suffering from blindness due to retinis pigmentosa (RP) will now be able to regain some vision bionically for the first time ever, thanks to Second Sight's Argus II retinal prosthesis. The device was just approved by the FDA for sale stateside after surmounting the same hurdle in Europe almost two years ago -- though it was first launched long, long before that. RP is a rare genetic disease that inflicts 100,000 or so Americans, destroying photoreceptors in the eye while leaving other cells intact. By implanting a device on the cornea that receives a signal from the eyeglass-mounted camera, those cells can be stimulated as if receiving light, causing them to transmit an image to the brain. Due to the limited number of electrodes, patients would only be able to discern light or dark, but most have reported better functionality with the device -- being able to make out the shape of a curb while walking, or discerning between light, grey or dark colored socks, for instance. The Argus II has been certified by the FDA for "humanitarian use," meaning there's "reasonable assurance" that it's safe, and should start popping up in specialized clinics by the end of the year.

[Photo credit: Associated Press]

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Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/y9yJRzuGtNk/

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Google Maps goes inside an NFL stadium for first time, takes fans on a virtual tour of the Colts' home

Google Maps goes inside an NFL stadium for first time, takes fans on a virtual tour of the Colts' home

The Indianapolis Colts obviously didn't have the best of luck while playing the eventual Super Bowl XLVII champions in the playoffs this past season, but something tells us a little 360-degree imagery might help turn those frowns upside down -- and that's for both local and long-distance fanatics. Starting today, Colts devotees (or any other curious folk, really) can virtually experience what Lucas Oil Stadium is all about thanks to Google Maps, making this the first time ever the Mountain View search firm has taken its hefty visual resources inside an NFL arena. As part of the virtual stroll, observers can experience a tour of the Colts' locker room premises, a tunnel that was once graced with Peyton Manning's presence and plenty of other areas around the stadium -- such as the Quarterback, Field Level and Loge-Level suites. It's very likely that Google will soon start taking its Maps team into stadiums you're, perhaps, more fond of -- until then, however, you may just want to peruse the gallery past the break to get a better view of the Colts' stomping grounds.

Google Maps inside Lucas Oil Stadium

Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/02/15/google-maps-inside-nfl-stadium/

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Asteroid will buzz, miss Earth _ unlike meteor

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) ? A 150-foot asteroid hurtled toward Earth's backyard, destined Friday to make the closest known flyby for a rock of its size. In a chilling coincidence, a meteor exploded above Russia's Ural Mountains just hours before the asteroid was due to zoom past the planet.

Scientists the world over, along with NASA, insisted the meteor had nothing to do with the incoming asteroid since they appeared to be traveling in opposite directions. The asteroid is a much more immense object that was expected to miss Earth by 17,150 miles.

But that's still closer than many communication and weather satellites; scientists insisted these, too, would be spared.

Asteroid 2012 DA14, as it's called, is too small to see with the naked eye even at its closest approach around 2:25 p.m. EST, over the Indian Ocean near Sumatra.

The best viewing locations, with binoculars and telescopes, are in Asia, Australia and eastern Europe. Even there, all anyone can see is a pinpoint of light as the asteroid zooms by at 17,400 mph.

As asteroids go, DA14 is a shrimp. The one that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago was 6 miles across. But this rock could still do immense damage if it struck given its 143,000-ton heft, releasing the energy equivalent of 2.4 million tons of TNT and wiping out 750 square miles.

By comparison, NASA estimated that the meteor over Russia was about 15 meters (49 feet) wide and weighed about 7,000 tons before it hit the atmosphere. It was about one-quarter the size of the passing asteroid.

As for the back-to-back events, "this is indeed very rare and it is historic," said Jim Green, NASA's director of planetary science. While DA14 is about half the length of a football field, the exploding meteor "is probably about on the 15-yard line," he said.

"Now that's pretty big. That's typically a couple times bigger than the normal influx of meteorites that create these fireballs," he said in an interview on NASA TV. "These fireballs happen about once a day or so, but we just don't see them because many of them fall over the ocean or in remote areas. This one was an exception."

As the countdown to asteroid DA14's close approach entered the final hours, NASA noted on its website that the path of the meteor appeared to be quite different than that of the asteroid, making the two objects "completely unrelated." The meteor seemed to be traveling from north to south, while the asteroid was due to pass from south to north ? in the opposite direction.

Even after Friday's scare, scientists remained certain that asteroid DA14 would not impact Earth. And chances were extremely remote, they said, that it will run into any of the satellites orbiting 22,300 miles up.

Most of the solar system's asteroids are situated in a belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, and remain stable there for billions of years. Some occasionally pop out, though, into Earth's neighborhood.

The flyby provides a rare learning opportunity for scientists eager to keep future asteroids at bay ? and a prime-time advertisement for those anxious to step up preventive measures.

Friday's meteor ? just 16 hours in advance of DA14's point of closest encounter ? further strengthened the asteroid-alert message.

"We are in a shooting gallery and this is graphic evidence of it," said former Apollo astronaut Rusty Schweickart, chairman emeritus of the B612 Foundation, committed to protecting Earth from dangerous asteroids.

Schweickart noted that 500,000 to 1 million sizable near-Earth objects ? asteroids or comets ? are out there. Yet less than 1 percent ? fewer than 10,000 ? have been inventoried.

Humanity has to do better, he said. The foundation is working to build and launch an infrared space telescope to find and track threatening asteroids.

DA14 ? discovered by Spanish astronomers last February ? is "such a close call" that it is a "celestial torpedo across the bow of spaceship Earth," Schweickart said in a phone interview Thursday.

Astronomers organized asteroid-encounter parties for Friday and experts just about everywhere were giving flyby rundowns.

NASA's deep-space antenna in California's Mojave Desert was ready to collect radar images, but not until eight hours after the closest approach given the United States' poor positioning for the big event.

Scientists at NASA's Near-Earth Object program at California's Jet Propulsion Laboratory estimate that an object of this size makes a close approach like this every 40 years. The likelihood of a strike is every 1,200 years.

If a killer asteroid was, indeed, incoming, a spacecraft could, in theory, be launched to nudge the asteroid out of Earth's way, changing its speed and the point of intersection. A second spacecraft would make a slight alteration in the path of the asteroid and ensure it never intersects with the planet again, Schweickart said.



NASA: http://www.nasa.gov/topics/solarsystem/features/asteroidflyby.html

B612 Foundation: http://b612foundation.org/

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/asteroid-buzz-miss-earth-unlike-meteor-162333348.html

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Satellite spots Indonesia volcano's eruption

NASA Earth Observatory

The recent eruption of Paluweh volcano (also known as Rokatenda) in Indonesia left scars visible from space.

By Becky Oskin

Fresh ash coats the flanks of remote Paluweh volcano in Indonesia in an image from space captured Tuesday by NASA's Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite.

The stratovolcano erupted on Feb. 2 and 3, sending superheated gas and rock -- a fast-moving plume called a pyroclastic flow?-- racing to the sea. The flow's brownish-gray scar is visible in the natural-color image snapped by the satellite's Advanced Land Imager (ALI). A tongue of debris extends into the sea at the base of the flow.

Paluweh volcano (also known as Rokatenda) is on the northern part of Palue Island. Most of the island remains covered in green vegetation, but ash ejected during the eruption has destroyed many of the island's crops, NASA's Earth Observatory reported.

The island has about 10,000 people, living in eight villages. Several of the villages are threatened by the eruption, according to VolcanoDiscovery.com. The report cites an analysis published by the Indonesian Volcanological Survey that concludes the eruption caused the collapse of about 25 percent of the volume of the volcano's dome, about 35 million cubic feet (1 million cubic meters). Should the dome continue to grow, a future collapse could send a pyroclastic flow into the villages, the report concludes.

The volcano's last eruption had been in 1985, according to the Smithsonian's Global Volcanism Program. Beginning last October, the volcano sent out warnings, with an increase in small earthquakes and ash ejected from the summit, the Earth Observatory said.

Reach Becky Oskin at boskin@techmedianetwork.com. Follow her on Twitter @beckyoskin. Follow OurAmazingPlanet on Twitter?@OAPlanet. We're also on?Facebook?and Google+.

Copyright 2013 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://science.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/02/14/16966196-satellite-spots-indonesia-volcanos-eruption?lite

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New iOS 6.1 Security Flaw Grants Limited Access To Phone App, Photos, Email, Messages, FaceTime

ios-6-logoWith just a few quick steps, it's easy to open the phone app on any locked iPhone running iOS 6.1. From there a  person has full access to the photo library, can edit contacts, send emails, text messages or even make a FaceTime call. It's so easy that it's downright silly. As shown in the video here, the process involves holding down the power button and aborting an emergency call. It worked for me although the timing is tricky.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/3pR9x6CD_N0/

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