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The Stress of Motherhood | clubmom

Becoming a mother is one of the most beautiful and life changing stages that exists, and probably one of the most challenging jobs for any woman. But let?s all agree that despite all the warm fuzzy feelings that motherhood brings, being a mother, and needing to have the light switch in your heart and in your head ?turned on? at every moment, is damn difficult and can be emotionally exhausting.

When you think about motherhood several generations ago, women were giving birth in the fields and back at work the next day. They? were walking hoards of kids to school, no matter the weather conditions. They were washing clothes by hand for a family of 6 without batting an eyelash. This list can go on.

So do mothers of our generation really have a right to complain??Why is it that being a parent now feels so draining to so many people? And why is it that women in particular are feeling so ?down? on themselves when it comes to their children??

Both in my practice as well as in my personal life, women describe feeling as if their parenting skills are lacking, or that they are incompetent as parents. These feelings are not derived from any one or two incidences, but rather are a general feeling of ?never doing enough? by your children. It is unbelievable how common this feeling is. I suspect that dads too feel it but are more hesitant to admit it out loud.

For starters we do live in a ?keeping up with the Jones? type of society, where we want our children to fit in and feel like part of a community. This desire, at least for most, is not derived by materialism, but more so by our desire to see our children happy, successful and comfortable within their own skin. And to be accepted by their peers. Unfortunately, this adds tremendous financial and emotional pressure to parents, not to mention a HUGE time commitment, resulting in kids being enrolled in too many extra curricular activities and parents who are running themselves ragged trying to fit it all into a day.

Unlike generations ago, our economy is such that the pressure is also on most families to have a double income. Often two full-time incomes. Mothers are not as easily able to stay home with her children, and give them that ?extra mommy time?, without it seriously affecting their quality of life. And by quality of life, I am not referring to giving up fancy vacations or expensive items for the house. I am referring to being able to adequately put food on the table, keep your kids clothed and clean, and make sure at the end of all that there is enough left to pay your mortgage and heating bills.

There is also tremendous pressure on woman in particular, to do it all -? run the house, manage a career, and always be available to her children with patience, nurturing and understanding?OK let?s get back to reality. The truth is, kids are terrific, but they are draining. And it is unrealistic for any woman to work 8 hours a day, make dinner every night, do all the household chores and greet her kids with a smile every moment of every day. I have yet to meet that woman.

So what?s the moral of the story?

Mothers need not be too hard on themselves. They are often their own worst critics. Children are resilient. If they have love and nurturing and the basic necessities, we need to have faith that they will be alright. The truth is, we are all doing the best we can. Some days are better than others. Some days run smoother than others. I consider the day a success if my kids are fed, have been bathed, completed their responsibilities and if I have not lost one of them or my mind.

Until next time,


Image:?? Pablonis |?Stock Free Images?&?Dreamstime Stock Photos

Source: http://clubmom.ca/the-stress-of-motherhood/

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This wearable sleeping bag isn't the first time someone's designed bedding you can stay in all day long—that honor probably goes to Selk. But it is the first sleeping bag you can wear that doesn't make you look like you're wrapped in a ridiculous puffy spacesuit. More »

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What My First Post-Divorce Trip To The ER Taught Me About Asking ...


Recovering from my knee injury with my sweet puppy, Leo.

Waking at 9 pm on a Friday night, I promise myself I won't give into the pain. I try to go back to sleeping it off. Tears soak into my chapped lips and my breathing turns into moans and gasps I hope ?my roommate can't hear over his video game.

I tell myself I will not be that girl anymore. I will not call my parents sobbing. I will not ask my roommate for help.?

I risk a peek at my leg. The two swelling lumps have now converged into a single huge mass. The weight of my comforter or any change in my position brings on excruciating pain. My bones hurt.

I give up. I call my dad. I call my roommate upstairs and ask him to take me to the emergency room. I explain that he will have to carry me. Putting my prosthetic leg back on is unthinkable.?

He turns his back after tossing me a pair of shorts. I want to laugh. Over six feet tall, his head almost touches the ceiling. My loft room seems tiny. I want to reassure him I am now in patient mode ?- a role I know well ?- and all my other concerns are rubbing off like so much smudged mascara.

I don't mind that I am still in my work hoodie which is beginning to smell a bit from my feverish sweating or that I haven't shaved my legs in several days or that my roommate is seeing my stump/residual limb/I don't name it because I rarely talk about it.?

I do mind the look of my lifeless prosthetic lying on the floor beside my bed still half in a pair of jeans. I've learned to accept people seeing me in shorts or dresses but I still kick the piece of machinery under the bed.

When it's on, it's a part of me. But when my leg is off, it seems obscenely dead. I can't shake the embarrassing aspect of shedding parts of my body and leaving them laying around. Or maybe I'm bothered by the fact that it will one day be left behind when I am gone.?

My roommate carries me down the stairs, outside to the elevator, and into his car. I tell him he is about to find out what the rest of my life has been like.

As he runs into the ER to get a wheelchair, I say a silent prayer to my reflection in the cold window. It's a prayer I read about recently and it simply goes: I surrender to this situation. I repeat the words until they are true.?

In the waiting room, an elderly lady goes out of her way to help my roommate. She looks at us sweetly. I realize she thinks I am pregnant because of the comforter piled on my lap, the nervous way my roomie jiggles his fingers in a loose snap, and the absurd way I am breathing. I whisper my observation to him and we laugh. Hospital survival tip #1: entertain yourself by trying to figure other people out.?

We laugh about the serious ER doctor who tells me: ?Let's poke it and see what comes out.? We mouth silent conversations about the drunk man who comes in with a posse of bleach blonds teetering in ridiculous heels around him like a flock of inebriate flamingos all reassuring him that he was attacked by four guys and that it is okay to cry when the doctor staples of his scalp back together.

My roommate stays all night even though I beg him to go home. He doesn't look away as yellow fluid is drained from my leg. He's there when I wake from a fitful drugged sleep. He hears me list off my medical history over and over again: bone cancer at 15, followed by four recurrences in my lungs.?

He passes me my phone in the morning so I can text an explanation to my friend. I know she will cancel her visit now which is too bad because I've already spent a few afternoons crying in my car ?- the tax I have to pay for spending weekends with her. She doesn't want a girlfriend until she's 30 and has everything together. She knows how I feel but I have to play it down if I want to see her. She doesn't like to be depicted as the bad guy.?

I've been studying vulnerability lately. In an attempt to recover from religion and pull myself together, I daily read books from a variety of spiritual traditions. While I completely agree with Brene Brown's idea that ?owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we will ever do,? I wake every morning desperate to move toward a more polished, together version of myself.

Some days, I'd rather believe in the spirituality of "The Secret" where I can visualize and manifest the perfect life. But I know better. God isn't interested in illusions.?

One of my readers recently warned me to stop writing about my time in the hospital because being on that vibrational level would bring sickness back into my life.

?You're well now, write about that,? he told me.?

In the ER, I feel the familiarity of it all sinking back in around me. I breath and stop fighting. ?I let go of the ?why me.?

As I settle in, I remember the day I quit chemotherapy. My mom had given me a cross necklace to protect me and I could see it on the x-ray video above the operating table ?- a delicate outline draped across my shadowy ribs, one half-gone from where they had carved out the cancer. Seconds later, my heart would go into dangerously erratic rhythms. Hours later, my oncologist would agree to let me quit chemo. Four years later, I'd be cancer-free for the longest time in my young adult life.?

Spirituality doesn't promise to take you instantly away to a place where there is no pain. Spirituality simply promises to awaken you to the moment. As you surrender your plans, your fears, and your shame, you can see the beauty and love in the moments you'd rather flee.?


Silver linings to being injured: Chai Coconut Green Tea, magazines, episodes of Portlandia, and getting a little bit spoiled.

My ex-husband was a photojournalist and he used to take pictures of me when I was sick. I'd get mad. ?Why would he want pictures of me with greasy hair, iodine stained skin, and a drained face? He told me the pictures were real, the moment was real. In his mind, they deserved as much attention as the milestones deemed more appropriate for snapshots.?

Since getting a divorced, I've been fearing this moment. The moment when I am sick or hurt and helpless without a significant other to care for me. I put down one shield to become more authentically myself and have been frantically trying to pick up another. All my chosen shields seem to slip out of my grasp. Barely able to pay rent with my part-time job, I've been trying to make it in LA. I've been eager to become a fully-functioning adult. But I prayed to learn surrender and vulnerability. They did warn me to be careful what I prayed for. And more than anything, I've prayed the longest and the hardest to be a writer.?

I used to ascribe to the idea that writing is like opening a vein. Now, I realize writing is more like closing a wound ?- each word a stitch, a step toward healing. In order to stitch myself up, I have to acknowledge the ache. I have to examine the cut, swab it gently clean, and carefully draw the flesh back together.

Once read, those words are removed one by one until only a faint scar remains to tell me where I have been. I can trace my finger over the lines but they no longer hurt. I write not to return but to heal.?

Each morning, I'd like to suit up in my armor of perfection. I'd like to call my parents to tell them I've landed the dream job. I'd like to tell you I don't harbor the secret and futile hope that, if she sleeps over enough, one day she'll wake up next to me and realize she loves me too. Or, if I must be broken, I'd like to be broken in a way that is cool and sexy with tattoo scars full of art and rebellion.?

But I am here now -? not trying to hide but surrendering in order to heal. Like all relationships, self-love must be built on truth, flaws and all.

And on being able to ask the undeniably beautiful question: ?Just for tonight, can you please carry me???

Source: http://www.xojane.com/newagey/what-a-trip-to-the-er-taught-me-about-love

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বুধবার, ২৩ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Xyron Creatopia Scrapbooking Commercial Video - MyBinding.com


Presenting Xyron Creatopia! Imagine an all-in one?tool which every scrapbooker must have.It cuts, trims, laminates, emboss, and applies?adhesive to your projects. You can also create your very own die cuts for more personalized?accents and details for use in your

scrapbooks and other craftworks. It?s also?helpful for home decorating or school work designs.?For a family looking for some fun time getting creative?together, then Xyron Creatopia is the ultimate?tool for your artsy needs.


Here is the audio transcript for this video:

Introducing the Xyron Creatopia, a great new tool for family projects. Apply adhesive and laminate, emboss designs, die-cut shapes or cut paper into strips, the Xyron Creatopia expands your possibilities, whether it?s scrapbooking, crafting, home decorating, school assignments or any of the other projects life throws at you, discover the possibilities with the new Xyron Creatopia. Available at a craft store near you.

Source: http://videos.mybinding.com/xyron-creatopia-scrapbooking-commercial-3504-30-00-2/

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House passes 'No Budget No Pay' bill

WASHINGTON - The House of Representatives voted today to approve a three-month extension of the debt limit in a bill that concurrently pressures lawmakers to adopt a budget or have their pay withheld.

The vote passed by a count of 285-144. Thirty-three Republicans opposed the measure, while 86 Democrats voted to approve it, sending the legislation to the Senate where it is also expected to pass, according to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

"I'm pleased that Speaker Boehner's House colleagues have decided to change course and pass a bill that defuses yet another fight over the debt ceiling," Reid, D-Nev., said. "In substance, it's a clean debt limit increase."

The bill, known as the No Budget No Pay Act of 2013, directs both chambers of Congress to adopt a budget resolution for fiscal year 2014 by April 15, 2013. If either body fails to pass a budget, members of that body would have their paychecks put into an escrow account starting on April 16 until that body adopts a budget. Any pay that is withheld would eventually be released at the end of the current Congress even if a budget doesn't ever pass.

Democrats also pledged today to pass a budget in the Senate this year. The Senate has not passed a budget resolution since April 29, 2009.

"This bill simply says 'Congress, do your job.' When I grew up in Wisconsin, if you had a job and you did the work, then you got paid. If you didn't do the work, you didn't get paid. It's that simple," Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said during debate on the bill leading into the vote. "We have a law. It's called the Budget Act. It requires that Congress passes a budget by April 15. All we're saying is, 'Congress, follow the law. Do your work. Budget.'

The measure also temporarily suspends the statutory debt limit through May 18, granting the Treasury Department the additional borrowing authority to meet obligations that require payment over the next three months. Without congressional action, the Treasury Department has warned that its borrowing authority would run out by mid-February.

"There should be no long-term increase in the debt limit until there's a long-term plan to deal with the fiscal crisis that faces our country," Boehner, R-Ohio, said during a floor speech prior to the vote. "Every hardworking taxpayer in America knows that they have to do a budget. Every hardworking taxpayer understands that you can't continue to spend money that you don't have."

House Democrats generally opposed the bill, calling it a "political gimmick" for "prolonging economic uncertainty."

"If it's a good idea to maintain the obligations of the U.S. government between now and May 19, it sure is a good idea to make sure that we meet the obligations of the United States Government beyond that," Rep. Chris Van Hollen, the top Democrat on the Budget committee, said during debate. "This is a political effort simply to increase their negotiating strategy - leveraged three months from now - at the expense of jobs and the economy and the American people."

In recent years conservatives have opposed any increase to the debt limit without corresponding spending cuts, but Republicans hope to gain leverage with a three-month increase by syncing up the next slate of major fiscal deadlines facing Congress to provide lawmakers with more time to work out a so-called 'Big Deal' on deficit reduction.

"The reason for this extension is so that we can have the debate that we need to have," Ryan said. "It's been a one-sided debate. The House of Representatives has passed budgets. The other body, the Senate, hasn't passed a budget for almost four years. We owe our constituents more than that. We owe them solutions and when both parties put their solutions on the table, than we can have a good, clear debate about how to solve the problem."

"The problem is not going away no matter how much we can wish it away," Ryan, the former Republican vice presidential nominee, added. "This isn't a Republican or a Democratic thing. This is a math thing, and the math is vicious, and it's hurting our country, and it's hurting the next generation, and it's hurting our economy."

Casting the House vote as a victory since it abandoned prior demands for spending cuts in exchange for an increase, Reid said that the Senate will move quickly to pass the bill and send it to the president, perhaps as early as this week.

"This proposal gives us something we can work with here in the Senate," Reid, D-Nev., touted at a Capitol news conference today. "In the short term?it removes the threat of default. For the long term it sets a helpful precedent that's going to make raising the debt ceiling easier from now on."

Reid also called the "no budget, no pay" provision a gimmick to lure in the House's most conservative members who may not have gone with the plan otherwise.

"I understand and we all understand the tea party plays a big part in what goes in the House, and they need a gimmick or two to get things done over there, but to spare the middle class another knock-down, drag-out fight, we're going to proceed to work on this legislation and get it out of there as quickly as we can," he said.

This morning Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., announced that the Senate will return to regular order and move a budget resolution through the Budget committee and to the Senate floor, a move celebrated by Republicans as marking the first time the Senate will adopt a budget in nearly four years.

Also Read

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/house-passes-no-budget-no-pay-191301982--abc-news-politics.html

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Three Stars from UFC on FX 7: Khabib Nurmagomedov, Vitor Belfort and Gabriel Gonzaga

The UFC made another trip to Brazil on Saturday night, this time heading to Sao Paulo. Who stood out from UFC on FX 7?

No. 1 star -- Khabib Nurmagomedov: The UFC's jam-packed lightweight division just got a little more difficult. Nurmagomedov ran through Thiago Tavares, winning with a TKO in under two minutes. He's undefeated and on a three-fight win streak in the UFC. Expect to see him take a leap up in competition for his next fight.

No. 2 star -- Vitor Belfort: Yes, his postfight tirade was bizarre. (More on that later.) But in his fight, Belfort showed off knockout power. He used kicks and punches to knock out Michael Bisping and muddy up the middleweight title picture. He also earned a Knockout of the Night bonus.

No. 3 star -- Gabriel Gonzaga: The best part of Gonzaga's second-round submission win was when he checked out the big screen to see he wasn't in good enough position to take out Ben Rothwell. So Gonzaga jumped guard and brought the submission to the ground. From there, Rothwell had no choice but to submit.

Who were your stars from Saturday night? Speak up in the comments, on Facebook or on Twitter.

Source: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/mma-cagewriter/three-stars-ufc-fx-7-khabib-nurmagomedov-vitor-143342191--mma.html

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Old Domain Names - daydaily

Written on January 21, 2013 ? 3:36 pm | by guest writer |

When you decide to create a website and give yourself or your company an online presence one of the most important and initial things you will need to do is decide on a domain name (or in Swedish Dom?nnamn). The domain name of a website is, basically, the address that other internet users use to find your content online. So making the right choice and coming up with a catchy and memorable domain name goes a long way towards making your website a success.

However, after you have spent hours and sometimes even days coming up with the perfect tag you will quite often find that this address has already been taken by somebody else.

Now this is at best quite annoying and very often absolutely devastating, but don?t despair because things aren?t always as they seem.

It is a sad fact that there are quite a number of individuals and companies that purchase the rights to a large number of domain names that they feel might be desirable to others with the sole intention to then sell these names on when a potential customer is discovered. Now this is a pretty low thing to do and the prices that are often asked are close to daylight robbery.

The thing is that you can only register a domain name for a certain period of time, usually one or two years, and when this time runs out the name becomes available again if the owner does not reregister it. So if your perfect name is held in one of these domain name shops it might be worth keeping an eye on it to see if it becomes available at a later date.

As all domain names need to be reregistered at the end of the contracted term there are many old names that become available for registration all the time. The company that was using it may have gone bust or lost interest in that particular part of their business. There might have even been a death, but let?s not dwell on that.

So purchasing an old domain name is a very easy thing to do. However there are some pitfalls as well as potential benefits to purchasing old domain names.

Most website will have had a certain amount of SEO work done to them to help them perform well on search engine results pages. This might be in the form of link building, keyword usage or any number of other ways. Buying a well thought of domain name is a great way to get instant traffic on your website.

The problems may arise if the SEO work that has taken place has been of the ?Black Hat? variety. Some SEOs try to trick search engines such as Yahoo and Google into raising their SERP ratings and when they are found out they are often banned or punished which can have a devastating effect on the popularity of a domain name.

So if you are thinking of buying an old domain name then it is very important that you check to see that it has not suffered any ill effects from unscrupulous SEO activities and that it is likely to perform better than if you were to just start a new website with a new domain name. If everything looks good then go for it, if not then you might like to look elsewhere.

For more tips how about domain names, please be sure to check out Surftown?s website.

Source: http://daydaily.com/2013/01/21/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-old-domain-names/

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Sloane Stephens advances to a meeting with Serena

MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) ? Sloane Stephens has heard a lot of advice from Serena Williams. Pointers on her groundstrokes, and even on her grunts.

It's been mostly gentle encouragement, occasionally spiced with headline-making comments from Williams, who has predicted the 19-year-old American will one day top the women's rankings.

As Stephens learned earlier this month, though, it's one thing to play with Williams, another to play against the 15-time Grand Slam champion.

When they meet Wednesday at the Australian Open, Williams will have the experience of 34 previous Grand Slam quarterfinals behind her. With a comeback 6-1, 3-6, 7-5 win over Bojana Jovanovski, Stephens qualified for her first quarterfinal at a major tournament.

"It will be tough, obviously. It's quarters of a Grand Slam," Stephens said. "There won't be that, like, first time, 'Oh, my God, I'm playing Serena.' That's kind of out of the window now. So that's good."

Williams and defending champion Victoria Azarenka advanced Monday, losing just four games between them against Russian rivals. Williams beat No. 14 Maria Kirilenko 6-2, 6-0, and Azarenka defeated Elena Vesnina 6-1, 6-1.

Next up for Azarenka is a quarterfinal against Svetlana Kuznetsova, who entered the season's first major tournament ranked No. 75 but has won titles at the 2004 U.S. Open and 2009 French Open.

On the men's side, No. 2 Roger Federer and U.S. Open champion Andy Murray stayed on course for a semifinal in their half of the draw.

Federer won 6-4, 7-6 (4), 6-2 over big-serving Canadian Milos Raonic, advancing to the quarterfinals at a Grand Slam for the 35th consecutive time, while Murray took advantage of Gilles Simon's fatigue for a 6-3, 6-1, 6-3 victory.

Federer will face 2008 Australian finalist Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, who beat friend and fellow Frenchman Richard Gasquet 6-4, 3-6, 6-3, 6-2.

Murray, who ended a 76-year drought for British men in Grand Slam tournaments with a win at the U.S. Open, will next play unseeded Frenchman Jeremy Chardy.

Chardy, who hit with Williams in a training camp at Mauritius at the end of 2012, followed up his upset win over 2009 U.S. Open champion Juan Martin del Potro with a 5-7, 6-3, 6-2, 6-2 victory over No. 21 Andreas Seppi.

Top-ranked Novak Djokovic, who needed five hours to beat Stanislas Warwinka in the fourth round, is on the other side of the draw. He'll face No. 5 seed Tomas Berdych on Tuesday.

Williams played Stephens at the Brisbane International earlier this month, winning their quarterfinal 6-4, 6-3 en route to the title. That night, Stephens said, she "lost to the best player in the world."

But there were times in the match when the American teenager was cranky, particularly when Williams unleashed some loud and long "Come ons" to celebrate vital points.

Stephens, looking toward her coach at one point, said the celebrations were disrespectful.

Later, she said she was just joking.

Regardless, it was a lesson. The friendly Serena from the locker room is the ultimate competitor ? she's on a 20-match winning roll and has lost only once since her first-round exit at the French Open.

"Obviously every match is a learning experience," Stephens said. "But, I mean, you've just got to go and treat it like another match."

Well, not exactly a normal match, she said, but certainly no different from playing any of the other top three players.

"It just happens to be Serena. She's obviously one of the greatest players to ever play the game," Stephens said. "Without the titles, with the titles, it's still a tennis match. The court's the same size. You're still playing a regular person across the net."

Stephens and Williams ran across each other in the locker room Sunday.

"She told me I was too quiet on the court," Stephens said. "Then today I was thinking to myself, 'I'm really loud. Should I tone it down a little bit?'"

Stephen's mother, Sybil Smith, will be watching on television. Her grandparents are avid TV fans, too. Her father, former New England Patriots player John Stephens, died in 2009.

It was her mom who introduced her to tennis at age 9. About four years ago, Williams spotted her in the dressing room and said hi.

Last year, she practiced with Williams in Fed Cup training. And last week, she was even mistaken for the five-time Australian Open champion.

"Nothing is worse than on the second point of the match, someone screaming out, 'Serena!' I'm like, 'Oh, great, here we go.' That happened first match, like loudly," she said.

Williams thinks she's more like an elder stateswoman for the younger U.S. players than mentor for the likes of Stephens.

"I just feel like being the older one ... maybe some of the younger players look up to me," she said. "It's hard to be a real mentor when you're still in competition."

And as the elder stateswoman, Williams said, "I feel no responsibility" when it comes to playing Stephens.

"I doubt she has any expectations of me to be responsible for anything," she said. "I'm here to compete and do the best I can, as well as she is. And she's been doing really amazing. I'm really happy. I have a tough match, so we'll see."

As for the advice on the grunt, Williams said a little bit of locker room banter goes a long way.

"We were the other day in the locker room. She said, 'I grunt.' I said, 'No, you don't. You're so calm. I'm like loud and outrageous,'" Williams recalled.

"She's incredibly calm. I think that's such a great thing to have. Like you look at some of the great players like Roger, he's so calm out there. That's what she has. She's like, 'I grunt.' I'm like, 'You don't grunt. What are you talking about?' I think she was maybe joking, because she definitely doesn't grunt."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/sloane-stephens-advances-meeting-serena-161009097--spt.html

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[2013-01-21 12:06:25] New Caption Competition is up! Win an epic 10,000 Karma points! Enter here now! close
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Source: http://www.competitionhunter.com/Win-Food-and-drink-competitions/win-a-year%E2%80%99s-supply-of-tetley-tea/

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How hook up 12v ribbon LED lights in RV - All About Circuits Forum

I have just wired my wife's kitchen with 12V ribbon LED lights.
You have to use a 12v transformer to hook up to house wiring.
So I get the great idea to try this on the RV I am building
So I take a left over 12 inch section hook up a connector and pop the hood and touch to the battery terminals and.......nothin

So what am I missing? I'd love to order these 16 foot rolls cheap from Amazon rather than pay some automotive site $60 for something already wired. I'm sure it's something easy and inexpensive. I just don't know what it is

Source: http://forum.allaboutcircuits.com/showthread.php?t=79859

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Leave a Comment - Stefan "Twoflower" Gagne's Creative Writing Zone

20 01 2013

New readers ? welcome! This blog is where I set up feedback threads for the latest draft story in progress. Right now I?m up to story #7. You should probably?start at story #1, though.

Current readers ? Here?s the big finale. Well, some bridging scenes, THEN the big finale.

Technically this is about two weeks of small updates rolled into one large update. I asked on my Twitter/FB whether my readers wanted it all in one go and then an empty week after, or spread out over two weeks. As proof that these are vital issues of import in your lives, a whole two people replied. I ended up flipping a coin. If it came up tails and you wanted heads, well, you?ll somehow have to carry on despite this mighty burden.

One thing I definitely would like to hear from you guys on is the upcoming Kickstarter, launching early March. I wanna make sure this is appealin? to you. Prior post I asked for some feedback on it but got nada, so lemme entice you with more details. Here?s the backer level / tier reward scheme I?ve got in mind. Keep in mind each tier includes all previous tiers, so for example, $25 has Wallpaper + eBook + VIP, etc.

$1 Desktop Wallpaper
$15 CoA eBook
$25 VIP Club Membership
$40 Paper CoA Character Bookmark (mailed to you)
$50 CoA Print Book (add $15 for international shipping)
$75 All anachronauts eBooks
$100 CoA Autographed Print Book (don?t get 2 books, I just sign your book)
$200 I write a CoA short story based on your idea
$400 Co-publisher?s credit

Look good? Price points okay? (Note the print book costs a minimum of $10 to make and ship, so I have to tier it high, but.) Any other things you?d be interested in getting as a reward?

And lest I misdirect, I also would love some feedback on the finale of 007. So, this blog post works for postin? up those thoughts too. Thanks for your help!

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Source: http://stefangagne.wordpress.com/2013/01/20/coa007-visits-new-jack-city/

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Like Reagan, Obama will take oath twice

Courtesy Ronald Reagan Library

President Ronald Reagan is sworn in for his second term in a private ceremony on Jan. 20, 1985, with his wife, Nancy Reagan, at his side and Chief Justice Warren Burger administering the oath in the White House Cross Hall, Grand Staircase.

By Jeff Black, Staff Writer, NBC News

Updated at 12:15 p.m. ET: For the first time since Ronald Reagan?s second term, a president has taken the oath of office for a term first in a private ceremony at the White House.

The Constitution says that the president must take office on Jan. 20. But if that's a Sunday, public inaugural festivities -- which for Obama will include a re-enactment of the swearing-in from Chief Justice John Roberts -? are saved for Monday.

So, Obama's swearing-in Sunday was a brief private affair in the Blue Room of the White House, an ornate oval room often used to receive official guests. Only Obama?s immediate family and a few reporters attended. The ceremony was televised live and streamed live on the Internet.

Reagan?s official ceremony took place at the grand North Entrance Hall to the White House, a roomy foyer where tours of the home exit onto Pennsylvania Avenue. Still, seating was limited so guests included family members of Reagan and Vice President George H.W. Bush as well as a smattering of legislative leaders and reporters.

The 1985 swearing-in of the president known as the Great Communicator was televised live. The ceremony was strikingly brief -- a few minutes at most. Reagan placed his left hand on a Bible given to him by his mother, then clearly repeated the 37-word oath recited by Chief Justice Warren Burger.

Courtesy Ronald Reagan Library

President Reagan being sworn in for second term by Warren Burger during the "private" ceremony held at the White House

He then gave first lady Nancy a kiss, posed for a picture and briskly walked with Bush to the North Portico, where the two waved at White House press corps reporters outside.

That Sunday, however, might be better remembered for Super Bowl XIX between the San Francisco 49ers and the Miami Dolphins, which was played at Stanford Stadium in California.

A former California governor, Reagan made the opening coin toss from the White House. It was broadcast on TV via satellite hookup.

Quarterback Joe Montana, MVP of the game, threw three touchdown passes and ran for another in a 38-16 win over the Dan Marino-led Dolphins. The game was watched by some 85 million people.

Obama was sworn in well before kickoff of Championship Sunday games, in which teams vying for this year's Super Bowl will take the field.?

So, why not just skip the rerun swearing-in on Monday?

According to Meena Bose, a professor and presidential scholar at Hofstra University in New York, since the Constitution calls only for a presidential transition at noon and the oath -- and nothing more -- that?s possible. But inaugural celebrations are a tradition that goes back to George Washington.

?It would be a big problem politically for the president and his supporters and fundraisers. I'm not sure it would make a big difference to the public at large if there were no big celebrations, especially for the second inauguration,? Bose said.

?In the 1980s, there was a sense that celebration was good," Bose said. "These are much tougher times now for the country, so it?s certainly an occasion for celebration, but it?s a more workmanlike state of mind now than it was 28 years ago.?

In fact it was so bitterly cold in Washington in 1985 that the traditional outdoor inauguration was moved indoors to the Rotunda at the Capitol.

Reagan's son Ron Reagan, who provides commentary on msnbc, recalls the unusually severe temperatures and how they affected the events that Monday.

"Privileged attendees ended up packed like anchovies under the Capitol dome: family members, justices, new Cabinet members, scoundrels," Ron Reagan said in an email. "At least some of the parade was canceled over concerns that brass instruments would freeze to the lips of young marching band trumpeters, creating a grisly and appalling spectacle."

Obama will take it outdoors to the plaza at the Capitol, where he will take the oath again and give his inaugural address. The inaugural also coincides with Martin Luther King Day. An estimated 1.8 million people, the most ever to attend a inaugural ceremony, attended Obama's first inauguration, and more than 600,000 are expected to attend on Monday.?

The weather forecast is partly cloudy with a high of 42 degrees and a low of 23, according to The Weather Channel.

Woodrow Wilson was the first president to be sworn into office on a Sunday, according to the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies website.?Wilson took the office privately in the President's Room in the U.S. Capitol by Chief Justice Edward D. White. First lady Edith Bolling Wilson noted in her diary that she was the only woman present among the officials there that day.

"This simple ceremony (I was the only woman present) was more to our taste than the formal Inauguration which followed on Monday, March 5th," she wrote.

Abraham Lincoln swore the oath in front of an incomplete Capitol dome. Lyndon B. Johnson became president on Air Force One next to a dazed Jacqueline Kennedy. A collection of photographs from past presidential inaugurations.

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Source: http://nbcpolitics.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/01/20/16548120-like-reagan-obama-will-take-oath-of-office-twice?lite

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